- Ablative heat shield
- Aerobot (Planetary probe suspended in atmosphere.)
- Atmospheric braking
- Booster See also ICBM
- Centrifuge
- Gantry
- Human staffed missions
- Interplanetary Internet
- Isolation chamber
- Lander
- Launch pad
- Reentry
- Real time
- Rocket
- Rocket sled
- Rover
- Satellite
- Spacecraft
- Spacecraft propulsion
- Space probe
- Aerobot (Planetary probe suspended in atmosphere.)
- Space shuttle
- Space station
- Space suit
- Space capsule
- Splashdown
- Telemetry
- Thruster
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Specific Space Technologies
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Dinamika dalam Penerbangan
Memahami Dinamika dalam Penerbangan
"Bergeraklah-Bergeraklah Wahai Raga Walau Sepertinya Engkau Enggan
Berpindah, Melesatlah Wahai Jiwa Walau Kadang Engkau Merasa Terpasung
Waktu, Tembuslah Langit Sidratul Muntaha"
Prof. Sheila Widnall, Ph.D. (MIT)
Prof. John Deyst, Ph.D. (MIT)
Prof. Edward Greitzer, Ph.D. (MIT)
Silahkan unduh materi perkuliahannya tersedia cuma-cuma.
The main reference book for the course beyond the lecture notes (and a good source for example problems) is:
The following books are also recommended as additional resources:
Marion, Jerry B., and Stephen T. Thornton. Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems. 5th ed. New York, NY: Brooks Cole, 2003. ISBN: 9780534408961.
Thomson, William Tyrrell. Introduction to Space Dynamics. New York, NY: Dover, 1986. ISBN: 9780486651132.
Kleppner, Daniel, and Robert Kolenkow. An Introduction to Mechanics. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1973. ISBN: 9780070350489.
Harrison, H. R., and T. Nettleton. Advanced Engineering Dynamics. London, UK: Arnold, 1997. ISBN: 9780340645710.
Den Hartog, J. P. Mechanics. New York, NY: Dover, 1961. ISBN: 9780486607542.
Den Hartog, J. P. Mechanical Vibrations. 4th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1956. ISBN: 9780070163898.
Hibbeler, Russell C. Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics. 9th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2001. ISBN: 9780130200044.
Kunjungi Juga:
Sekolah Online Kami dalam Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan Dirgantara dan Ke Luar Angkasa'an
Indonesian Space Sciences & Technology School
Sebuah persembahan sederhana dari para ilmuwan muda tanah air untuk kemajuan peradaban umat manusia.
Indonesian University Space Research Association
Semoga Bermanfaat
Semangat Indonesia, Maju Terus Ipteks Indonesia.
Kita Bisa
Monday, October 1, 2012
Pesawat Rakitan Pelajar Indonesia
"Mari Kita Lesatkan Pendidikan dan Ipteks Bangsa Ini"
Bermesin Tunggal dengan Piston 6 silinder
Kita boleh berbangga bahwa di tengah berita terpuruknya bidang
pendidikan kita ada beberapa pelajar dan sekolah yang berjuang
mengharumkan nama bangsa, mereka bahu-membahu menunjukkan kepada
masyarakat Indonesia bahwa sebenarnya anak-anak muda Indonesia adalah
pelajar yang hebat.
Perakitan dilakukan di halaman sekolah mereka, yang berlokasi di Jalan Prof. Sutono, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan. Selama melakukan perakitan, para siswa didampingi para instrukturnya yang berasal dari maskapai penerbangan Garuda Indonesia Airways, Lion Air, TNI Angkatan Udara (AU), serta Federasi Aerosport Indonesia.
Perakitan dilakukan di halaman sekolah mereka, yang berlokasi di Jalan Prof. Sutono, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan. Selama melakukan perakitan, para siswa didampingi para instrukturnya yang berasal dari maskapai penerbangan Garuda Indonesia Airways, Lion Air, TNI Angkatan Udara (AU), serta Federasi Aerosport Indonesia.
- Crew: 1
- Capacity: 3
- Payload: 360 kg (792lbs)
- Length: 6.55m (21ft 5.8in)
- Wingspan: 9.433m (30ft 11in)
- Height: 2.40m (7ft 10in)
- Wing area: 9.34 sqm (100.5sq.ft)
- Empty weight: 340 kg (748 lbs)
- Max. takeoff weight: 760 kg (1,675 lbs)
- Powerplant: 1 × Jabiru 3300 6 cylinder, 4 stroke piston engine, 89.5 KW (120hp)
- Propellers: 2-bladed Wooden/Composite propeller, 1 per engine
- Propeller diameter: 1.52m (5ft)
- Maximum speed: 256km/h (160 mph) 138 kts
- Cruise speed: 222km/h (138 mph) 120kts
- Stall speed: 92km/h (57mph) 50kts
- Wing loading: 74.7kg/sq.m. (15.3 lbs/sq.ft)
- Power/mass: 4.3Kg/KW (12.8 lbs/hp)
Kunjungi Juga:
Kunjungi juga sekolah Online Kami dalam Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan Dirgantara dan Ke Luar Angkasa'an
Indonesian Space Sciences & Technology School
Sebuah persembahan sederhana dari para ilmuwan muda tanah air untuk kemajuan peradaban umat manusia.
Indonesian University Space Research Association
Photo by: SMK
Thanks to:
1. Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
2. Kementrian Riset dan Teknologi
3. Kementrian BUMN
4. PT. Dirgantara Indonesia
5. PT. Regio Prop
6. Boeing
Semangat Indonesia Kita Bisa.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Master dalam Bidang Space Science Engineering
Apa itu Teknik Dirgantara dan Ke-Antariksaan?
"Terbanglah-terbang wahai semangat, tembuslah langit kesulitan, raihlah asa dan cita kita bersama"
Semua itu berawal dari Keinginan manusia untuk terbang menjelajahi
atmosfer dan lingkungan di luar atmosfer, banyak cara yang dapat
dilakukan manusia untuk terbang, ada yang menggunakan sayap, ada yang
menggunakan roket, intinya adalah menghasilkan gaya yang dapat melawan
gravitasi, penerbangan inner atmosphere memanfaatkan udara untuk dapat
menghasilkan gaya-gaya fluida baik aerostatik maupun aerodynamik,
sedangkan penerbangan outer atmosphere menggunakan tenaga yang
dihasilkan oleh roket.
The program was developed jointly by Aerospace Engineering; Atmospheric,
Oceanic & Space Sciences; and Electrical Engineering and Computer
Program Objectives:
* To provide a comprehensive knowledge of space science and engineering and their interrelationship.
* To increase depth beyond the baccalaureate level in a space-related discipline.
* To teach the systems approach to conceiving, designing, manufacturing, managing, and operating complex space systems.
* To provide practical experience in space system design, project development and management.
Program Concentrations
While your specific concentration curriculum will be decided through
discussion with your program advisors, suggested programs have been
Suggested programs exist for the following concentrations:
* Space Science
* Propulsion
* Plasma Electrodynamics & Sensors Instrumentation & Sensor Payloads
* Launch Vehicles
* Telemetry & Spacecraft Communication
* Astrodynamics
* Computer Control & Data Handling
* Program Administration
Aerospace Engineering Graduates Demonstrate:
* An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
* An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
* An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs
* An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
* An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
* An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
* An ability to communicate effectively
* The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context.
* A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
* A knowledge of contemporary issues.
* An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
* A knowledge of aerodynamics, aerospace materials, structures, propulsion, flight mechanics, orbital mechanics, software, and stability and control.
* Competence in the integration of aerospace science and engineering topics and their application in aerospace vehicle design.
Kunjungi Juga:
Open.Michigan is a University of Michigan initiative
that enables faculty, students, and others to share their educational
resources and research with the global learning community.
Kunjungi juga sekolah Online Kami dalam Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan Dirgantara dan Ke Luar Angkasa'an
Indonesian Space Sciences & Technology School
Sebuah persembahan sederhana dari para ilmuwan muda tanah air untuk kemajuan peradaban umat manusia.
Indonesian University Space Research Association
Kunjungi juga sekolah Online Kami dalam Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan Dirgantara dan Ke Luar Angkasa'an
Indonesian Space Sciences & Technology School
Sebuah persembahan sederhana dari para ilmuwan muda tanah air untuk kemajuan peradaban umat manusia.
Indonesian University Space Research Association
Mari Belajar hingga Belajar menjadi bagian dari hidup kita, semoga.
http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/aeronautics-and-astronautics/ [MIT Aeronautics & Astronautics]
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Kursus Ipteks Aerospace: Mekanika Fluida
"Memulai kerja keras memang sangat berat. Tapi kalau sudah terbiasa bekerja keras, semua pekerjaan akan menjadi mudah."
~Dahlan Iskan, Menteri BUMN Fenomenal~
Fluid mechanics – the study of fluid flow around objects. Specifically aerodynamics concerning the flow of air over bodies such as wings or through objects such as wind tunnels (see also lift and aeronautics).
Konstanta yang menghubungkan tegangan geser dan gradien kecepatan secara linier dikenal dengan istilah viskositas. Persamaan yang menggambarkan perlakuan fluida Newtonian adalah:
Kunjungi Juga:
Kunjungi juga sekolah Online Kami dalam Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan Dirgantara dan Ke Luar Angkasa'an
Indonesian Space Sciences & Technology School
Sebuah persembahan sederhana dari para ilmuwan muda tanah air untuk kemajuan peradaban umat manusia.
Indonesian University Space Research Association
Photo by: Me
Thanks to:
1. Kementrian BUMN
2. PT. Dirgantara Indonesia
3. PT. Regio Prop
4. Boeing
Mekanika fluida adalah subdisiplin dari mekanika kontinum yang mempelajari fluida
(yang dapat berupa cairan dan gas). Mekanika fluida dapat dibagi
menjadi fluida statik dan fluida dinamik. Fluida statis mempelajari
fluida pada keadaan diam sementara fluida dinamis mempelajari fluida
yang bergerak.
Persamaan pada fluida Newtonian
Konstanta yang menghubungkan tegangan geser dan gradien kecepatan secara linier dikenal dengan istilah viskositas. Persamaan yang menggambarkan perlakuan fluida Newtonian adalah:
adalah tegangan geser yang dihasilkan oleh fluida
adalah viskositas fluida-sebuah konstanta proporsionalitas
adalah gradien kecepatan yang tegak lurus dengan arah geseran
adalah tegangan geser pada bidang
dengan arah
adalah kecepatan pada arah
adalah koordinat berarah
"Terbanglah-terbang wahai cita, tembuslah segenap jagat raya
kemungkinan, raihlah bintang, genggamlah rembulan dengan
setinggi-tingginya ilmu dan sedalam-dalamnya kebijaksanaan"
Kunjungi juga sekolah Online Kami dalam Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan Dirgantara dan Ke Luar Angkasa'an
Indonesian Space Sciences & Technology School
Sebuah persembahan sederhana dari para ilmuwan muda tanah air untuk kemajuan peradaban umat manusia.
Indonesian University Space Research Association
Photo by: Me
Thanks to:
1. Kementrian BUMN
2. PT. Dirgantara Indonesia
3. PT. Regio Prop
4. Boeing
Friday, May 18, 2012
Pendidikan Masa Depan: LAPAN SEMAA
The LAPAN Science Engineering
Mathematics and Aerospace Academy
Project Description
The LAPAN Science Engineering Mathematics and Aerospace Academy, or
SEMAA, is a national, innovative project designed to increase
participation and retention of historically underrepresented K-12 youth
in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or
Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics.
- Inspire a more diverse student population to pursue careers in STEM-related fields.
- Engage students, and parents/adult family members, and teachers by incorporating emerging technologies.
- Educate students using rigorous STEM curriculum enhancement activities designed and implemented as only LAPAN can.
# Second Grade
# Third Grade
# Fourth Grade
# Fifth Grade
# Sixth Grade
# Seventh Grade
# Eighth Grade
# Ninth Grade
# Tenth Grade
# Eleventh Grade
# Twelfth Grade
Key Components of Service
The LAPAN SEMAA project is managed by the Educational Programs Office at LAPAN Education Research Center, continues its work around the country to inspire, engage and educate the next generation of explorers.
1. Hands-on, Inquiry-Based K-12 STEM Curriculum Enhancement Activities, or CEA
The LAPAN SEMAA project uses a series of unique hands-on, inquiry-based classroom curriculum enhancement activities. In addition to being aligned with national math, science and technology standards, these activities encompass the research and technology of each of LAPAN's four mission directorates (Aeronautics Research, Exploration Systems, Science and Space Operations).
On average, LAPAN SEMAA students participate for a total of 36 hours each year, 21 hours during the academic year and 15 hours during the summer. LAPAN SEMAA graduates who have participated in the entire K-12 program will have completed 441 hours of advanced studies in STEM prior to their enrollment in a post-secondary institution.
2. Aerospace Education Laboratory
Developed by LAPAN, the Aerospace Education Laboratory, or AEL, is an electronically enhanced, computerized classroom that puts cutting-edge technology at the fingertips of LAPAN SEMAA middle- and high school-aged students. Each computerized research station provides students with real world challenges relative to both an aeronautics and microgravity scenario.
Examples of the real aerospace hardware and software contained in the AEL include an Advanced Flight Simulator; a laboratory-grade, research wind tunnel; and a working, short-wave receiver and hand-held Global Positioning System for aviation. In addition to being an extraordinary tool for educating middle and high school students, the AEL serves as an excellent training facility for pre-service teachers on the LAPAN SEMAA curriculum.
3. Family Café
Unique to the LAPAN project, the Family Café is an interactive forum that promotes sustained family involvement at each of the LAPAN SEMAA sites around the country. The Family Café engages SEMAA parents and adult family members in up to 21 hours of Family Focus Group sessions each year, during which time participants are engaged in dialogue focused on relevant parenting and STEM education information. In addition to Focus Groups, the Family Café hosts a multitude of Family Night activities and other special events that promote parent and adult family member participation in student learning.
4. Participants
The LAPAN SEMAA project will boasts 100 sites located throughout 33 Provinces at Indonesia. These site locations include community colleges, four-year colleges and universities.
5. Partnerships
Each LAPAN SEMAA site is required to develop a Sustainability Plan to enhance local project operations, as well as to ensure project sustainability beyond LAPAN funding.
6. Management
The LAPAN SEMAA project is managed by the Educational Programs Office at LAPAN Education Research Center, continues its work around the country to inspire, engage and educate the next generation of explorers.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Dasar Ilmu dan Teknologi Rocket
Dasar Ilmu dan Teknologi Peroketan

RocketModeler II Simulator
Basic Rocket Motion
Rocket Translations
Ideal Rocket Equation
Free Fall (weight - no drag)
Determine Maximum Altitude..Interactive**
Altitude Equation Derivation
Graphical Maximum Altitude
Effects of Weather Cocking
Semoga Bermanfaat
![]() |
| ![]() |
Here is a list of all the topics available from the Beginner's Guide to Rockets web site. Clicking on the title will deliver a page with a slide and a scientific explanation of the contents. Pages containing "Animated" graphics, or "Interactive" calculators and graphics, are noted in red. "Simulation" pages are also noted in red and contain Java applets which solve the equations described on other pages at the site.. If the number and variety of pages seems too intimidating, consider taking one of our Guided Tours through the web site.
Another method for
reaching students, teachers and lifelong learners is the use of Distance
Learning. While preparing presentations for students, many Power Point files have been
developed for the Digital Learning Network
using information from the BGR. Students and teachers are encouraged to copy the Power Point files to their own computers and to modify them as desired for their own presentations. | ||
![]() Forces on a Rocket Rocket Thrust Rocket Weight Rocket Aerodynamics |

RocketModeler II Simulator
Basic Rocket Motion
Rocket Translations
Ideal Rocket Equation
Free Fall (weight - no drag)
Determine Maximum Altitude..Interactive**
Altitude Equation Derivation
Graphical Maximum Altitude
Effects of Weather Cocking
Semoga Bermanfaat
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Welcome to the Beginner's Guide to Rockets | ||||
![]() |
Beginner's Guide to Rockets will help you learn the basic math and
physics that govern the design and flight of rockets.
We'll look at many different kinds of rockets, from
rockets, which are a special kind of artillery
shell, to bottle
rockets, to model
rockets, to full
scale boosters. We'll look at the similarities and
the differences in these rockets and include some
instructions for making and flying your own rockets.
At this Web
site you can study how rockets operate at your own pace and
to your own level of interest. There
is a lot of mathematics at this web site, so we provide
background pages on many mathematical
topics. The flight of the rocket
involves the interaction of forces,
so we include background pages on the fundamentals of
plays a major role in the flight of toy
rockets and in the generation of thrust for full scale
rockets, so there are background pages devoted to basic aerodynamics
. There are also background pages on thermodynamics
and gas
dynamics because of the role they play in rocket
Since we will be sending rockets to the Moon
and Mars ,
we provide some background information on these planets
in addition to our home
majority of the information at this web site is presented at
a high school or early college level, although much of
the information can also be used by middle school
students and the general public. Information is provided for
both students and teachers. The site includes
materials that were developed over a ten year span by
several different authors, so the pages do not all look
the same.
We have added navigation buttons to ease movement across and within the work of a given author. Most of the pages are presented in the following format: a graphic at the top which the user can capture and incorporate into their own presentations or class notes; a text explaining the topic presented in the graphic and including many hyperlinks to related topics; navigation links at the bottom to related educational activities, closely related web pages, and an index of all the pages.
Using the
of Web Pages, you are never more
than two clicks away from any other Web page at this site.
Just click on the word "Index" at the bottom of any page, and
then click to a new page from the index. We
have intentionally organized this site to mirror the
unstructured nature of the world wide web.
However, if you prefer a more structured approach, you can
also take one of our Guided
Tours through the site. Each tour provides a
sequence of pages dealing with some type or aspect of rockets.
Web pages that include Interactive Java applets are noted in the index. RocketModeler II, RocketThrust Simulator, and the AtmosModeler Simulator are provided to encourage students to explore science and math. The programs allow students to design and fly rockets on their personal computer and can be downloaded to operate off-line. Additional Classroom Activities
are also
available at this site.
This site
was prepared at the NASA Glenn Research
Center in support of the Educational
Programs Office and was funded by the Exploration Systems Mission
Directorate. Many of the pages at this site were
prepared to support videoconferencing for
teachers and students as provided by the Digital Learning Network.
Much of the information available in the Rockets Educator's
Guide publication is available on-line at this site.
NASA Education
Friday, February 17, 2012
Aircraft Design
Friday, January 6, 2012
"Experiments In The Cosmos, Because Our Laboratory is Universe"
1. Menjadi Sekolah Sains Teknologi Cyber Keantariksaan dan Kedirgantaraan Terdepan di Indonesia
"Experiments In The Cosmos, Because Our Laboratory is Universe"
1. Menjadi Sekolah Sains Teknologi Cyber Keantariksaan dan Kedirgantaraan Terdepan di Indonesia
2. Melahirkan
Generasi Impian yang Selalu Bertafakur, Bertadabur dan Bertasayakur
terhadap Keseimbangan Semesta yang Telah Tercipta
Program Sekolah: Pada Tahun-tahun Mendatang.
1. Penelitian Pendaratan Manusia ke Bulan
2. Penelitian Aerospace Engineering (List of aerospace engineering topics)
3. Pengenalan terhadap anak usia sekolah dasar dan menengah.
4. Mengadakan Ivent-ivent kecil di kota kelahiran para anggota.
5. Mendukung olimpiade-olimpiade ilmiah
6. Mempelajari Industri Keluarangkasaan
7. Memperkenalkan Wisata Luar Angkasa Space tourism (Aerospace BUSINESS)
8. Merenungi Kebesaran Penciptaan
1. Academic
AeroAstro Undergraduate Education
a. Objectives & Outcomes
b. Degrees
c. Curriculum & Requirements
d. Freshman Year
e. Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
f. Internships: The AeroAstro internship program is a strong alliance with aerospace industry that ties students’ campus learning to a work experience
- Graduate Program
- AeroAstro Complete Course Listing
- Current Schedule
- Future Schedule
- AeroAstro Academic Calendar
- Subject Evaluation Result
Research Labs & Facilities from MIT
Computational Design Lab | Aerospace
Controls Laboratory | Communications
and Networking Research Group | Complex
Systems Research Lab | Gas Turbine
Laboratory | Humans and
Automation | International
Center for Air Transportation | Laboratory
for Information and Decision Systems | Lean
Advancement Initiative | Man Vehicle
Laboratory | Partnership
for AiR Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction | Systems
Engineering Advancement Research Initiative | Space
Propulsion Laboratory | Space Systems
Laboratory | Technology
Laboratory for Advanced Materials and Structures | Wright
Brothers Wind Tunnel

(Indonesian Nano-Satellite Platform Initiative for Research and Education)
(Indonesian Nano-Satellite Platform Initiative for Research and Education)

3. Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
1. Pengembangan Club Astro Fisika dan Iptek Dirgantara-Keluarangkasaan di Daerah-daerah serta Sekolah-Sekolah;
Oraganisasi Berbasis Masyarakat
Pusat Industri Keantariksaan Masa Depan di Indonesia
1. Indonesia Spacecraf Engineering
2. Indonesian Space Technology Innovation Research & Development
3.Indonesia Aerospace Engineering School
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